Robert J. Davis

Welcome to my personal website.  I am currently an Electromagnetic Analyst at the MIT start-up Commonwealth Fusion Systems, working on superconducting magnetics. My prior doctoral research at UCSD focused broadly on applying concepts from condensed matter physics to electromagnetic applications, and includes photonic topological insulators, light matter interaction, and the effects of real space topology on periodic media. 
On this site you can find information about my research, as well as a number of other useful findings.

News and Updates

2023-4-24 I've begun my role as Electromagnetic Analyst at CFS. 

2023-2-25 I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation at UCSD. A free copy can be found here

2023-2-22 A paper by my colleagues and I on nontrivial surface acoustic waves in triangular lattices has been published to Physical Review Applied (web, arxiv)